The Simpsons Wrestling Itchy And Scratchy

Apr 23, 2013 The Simpsons. How do you get past itchy and scratchy in Bart Simpson saw game? Wiki User April 23, 2013 12:37PM. Near the 1st death door ( Itchy and Scratchy) 1. Place the trolley in the.

  • ' The Bart Simpson Show ' Scratchy is a cartoon cat from the show Itchy & Scratchy, an obvious parody of Tom and Jerry. His enemy is Itchy, a blue mouse. In almost every episode, Scratchy is killed or at least brutally injured by Itchy.
  • A page for describing Recap: Simpsons S 6 E 4 Itchy And Scratchy Land. Episode - 2F01 First Aired - 10/2/1994 The Simpsons are going to Itchy and Scratchy.

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The simpsons wrestling itchy and scratchy throat

Season 30, Episode 18

Original Airdate: 03/24/2019

When Krusty the Clown announces that Itchy & Scratchy will be portrayed as girls, Bart and the other boys pledge to boycott the cartoon by not watching it. Lisa is stoked and records a reaction video of herself, and ends up catching Bart laughing in enjoyment when he gives in to the temptation to take a peek. Bart gets called out for his hypocrisy on the internet, which turns him into a social pariah among the boys at school. This leads to him to hanging out with a group of rebellious sixth-grade girls who fight for women's rights. The escalation between the boys and the girls ultimately leads to the girls trying to destroy the master tapes of every Itchy & Scratchy on live TV, which causes Bart to reconsider his views.


This is the first episode of The Simpsons produced by Disney as the buyout of 20th Century Fox finalized the Tuesday prior to the episode airing.


  • All Part of the Show: Among Krusty's published bloopers, there's one where Legs and Louie are beating him up and he pleads to the kids to call the cops because it's not part of the show, and one where a piece of scenery falls on Sideshow Mel and Krusty plays along.
  • All There in the Script: The Bossy Riot members' names are only given the script.
  • An Aesop: Sometimes the best action is inaction, everything could have been avoided if the boys had just ignored the Itchy and Scratchy reboot instead.
  • Bile Fascination: Invoked when Nelson decides to 'hate watch' the new Itchy & Scratchy, but Bart counters with the more radical notion of not watching it at all.
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  • Both Sides Have a Point: Lisa calls Bart out on joining a protest for a cause he doesn't believe in. Bart fires back that Lisa hasn't joined the protest while believing in the cause.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: In retaliation to the all-female reboot being cancelled, Bossy Riot attempts to destroy every single episode of the original Itchy & Scratchy.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: The episode is clearly referencing the controversy surrounding Ghostbusters (2016) and the latest Star Wars movies featuring a female lead.
  • Fetish: Learning that Milhouse, the leader of the Boys Rights Alliance, actually has friends, ends up being a major turn on for Kirk and Luanne.
    Luanne: Say it again!
    Kirk:Milhouse. Has. Friends.
    (Luanne moans in delight before kissing Kirk again)
  • Fun with Acronyms: The Boys Rights Alliance all wear shirts that spell out 'BRA'.
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  • Grey and Gray Morality: The Boys Rights Alliance and Bossy Riot are both portrayed as being in the wrong and the episode doesn't portray either side as having the moral high ground. B.R.A are just wasting their energies on something trivial, whereas, Bossy Riot are just using feminism to justify their crimes. This matches the overall lesson of the episode, some things are just not worth fighting about.
  • Hypocrite: Bart gets called out for being a hypocrite for watching the female Itchy & Scratchy cartoon. Lisa uploads his reaction to the internet and turns him into a meme.
  • I Do Not Like Green Eggs and Ham: Bart has this reaction when he actually sees the pilot for the female Itchy & Scratchy.
  • Instant Humiliation: Just Add YouTube!: Lisa uploads the video of Bart laughing at the female Itchy & Scratchy. Bart thinks he's built enough street cred to counter the humiliation but is then cornered by the other boys, who label him a traitor.
  • Karma Houdini: Lisa never gets in trouble for uploading the video of Bart online. Likewise, Bossy Riot suffers no repercussions for their extremist activities.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Milhouse becomes the leader of B.R.A after they discover Bart laughing at the Itchy and Scratchy feminized reboot, so they assault and exile him. In the end, B.R.A disbands after being publicly humiliated by Bossy Riot.
  • No Sympathy: When the TV show host shows the viral video of Hans Moleman being crushed by a boat, he says he's upset... at Moleman for not wiping his bloodstains.
  • One of the Guys: Gender inverted: Bart gets all hyped up for feminism without actually doing any research for what it is, and tries to pass himself off as one of the Bossy Riot gang.
  • Only in It for the Money: Krusty doesn't even try to hide that the change of Itchy and Scratchy into girls was just to cash in on feminism rather than actually being for it.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The Itchy & Scratchy episode is a parody of Pitch Perfect.
    • Lisa's chart of female cartoon characters includes Betty Boop, Daria, The Powerpuff Girls and Louise Belcher.
    • The D-Day sequence from Saving Private Ryan is spoofed when the boys are blinded by glitter.
  • Spit Take: Bart spits out his soda when watching the Itchy & Scratchy cartoon.
  • Straw Feminist: Bossy Riot are a trio of feminists who use extremism to prove a point. However, it's very clear that they are just using feminism to justify their actions, as they commit vandalism, publicly humiliate the boys and even admit to using Bart as their scapegoat.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: In-Universe, Bart and the other boys react badly at the new all-female Itchy & Scratchy. However, Bart finds it just as funny.
  • They Killed Kenny Again: Hans Moleman gets crushed by a boat, as seen in a viral video.
  • Versus Title: The episode is titled 'Bart vs. Itchy and Scratchy'.


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Episode - 2F01

Itchy And Scratchy Movie

First Aired - 10/2/1994
The Simpsons are going to Itchy and Scratchy Land — a new theme park based on the violent antics of Bart and Lisa's favorite cartoon series.

Itchy And Scratchy The Movie

This episode contains examples of:

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: One flash from a camera is all it takes to screw up the AI for the Itchy and Scratchy robots.
  • Aluminium Christmas Trees: Bart finds it ridiculous that the gift shop has no 'Bart' vanity license plates, but they do have 'Bort' ones. 'Bort' is a real name.
  • Amusement Park of Doom: Itchy & Scratchy Land has dangerously unsafe attractions and, after a power breakdown, everything gets even worse.
  • And This Is for...: In the Latin American translation of the episode, the Itchy-suited employee that Bart smoke-bombs earlier in the episode and kicks the Simpsons out of the evacuation helicopter shouts 'go to Hell, and this is for Itchy!' as he does so (in the original audio, he says 'When you get to Hell, tell 'em Itchy sent ya!').
  • Bait-and-Switch: Marge tells Homer to find a hotel for the night; Homer tells her, 'I'm not tired, I'm not tired at all.' A car that appears to be the Simpson's then crashes into a telephone pole, but Smash Cut to the Simpsons watching from a nearby hotel room.
    Bart: Whew, glad that wasn't us.
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  • Beat: There's a strange one after Homer gives his approval to go to Itchy & Scratchy Land: Bart and Lisa gasp and stare at each other with excited expressions before finally shouting 'YAY!' a few seconds later.
  • Blatant Lies: In Pinichio, Itchy promises Scratchy that he will never hurt him. His Pinocchio Nose lengthens and stabs Scratchy in the eye.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: A typical Itchy & Scratchy short at the beginning of the episode stops in its tracks to let its titular characters plug Itchy & Scratchy Land to the viewers.
  • Brick Joke:
    • The Bird Sanctuary. While under attack by robots, Marge brings it up again, saying that they should have gone there like she originally planned.
      • Additonally, when she first mentions the sanctuary, she says they have a new bird feeder that looks like a diner. During the scene there the sanctuary is shown to be under attack by the birds, said diner-shaped bird feeder can be seen in the background.
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    • Homer mistakenly claims the group is one adult and four children when buying their tickets. After he gets arrested by the park security, they refer to him as Marge's 'older, balder, fatter son' (having also arrested Bart).
    • The souvenir shop running out of Bort license plates.
    • The jumpers on the roof of 'T.G.I. McScratchy's'.
  • Can't Get Away with Nuthin': Bart whips out his 'Li'l Bastard Kit' and fires a smoke bomb at the hapless mascot. He laughs it up... and then seconds later, a security guard grabs him by the arm, handcuffs him, and them THROWS HIM INTO A HOLDING CELL (meeting Homer, who got arrested for fighting with a costumed staff member). It gets worse when, after things start going crazy in the park, Bart tries to get on a rescue helicopter... in which is the previously-offended mascot, who tells him to enjoy Hell before he kicks him away.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: The Itchy-suited employee that Bart smoke-bombs earlier in the episode notices them when the family is racing to get on the last evacuation helicopter left and kicks them out, leaving them to die.
  • Close-Call Haircut: Homer repeatedly ducks the cleaver of a mad robot while insisting that nothing is wrong, but loses the two hairs on top of his head when it gets too close ('Ah! My hair!').
  • Conditioned to Accept Horror: Invoked by Lisa, as she and Bart calmly watch Pinitchio, wondering if all the violence has desensitised them. Cue a Scratchybot bursting through the screen, and its head bursting off shooting fake blood everywhere, to no reaction from Bart or Lisa (or indeed anyone in the film's audience).
  • Cue Card Pause: Bart and Lisa's method of persuading their parents to go to Itchy & Scratchy Land.
    Lisa: (pulling Bart's seemingly lifeless body into their parents' room in the middle of the night) Mom, Dad! Bart's dead!
    (Homer and Marge gasp in terror)
    Bart: (getting up with a huge showman smile on his face) That's right! Dead serious about going to Itchy & Scratchy Land!
  • Description Cut: When the robots start attacking people, Marge murmurs they should have gone to the bird sanctuary. Cut to the birds there attacking the visitors.
  • Disproportionate Restitution: For singlehandedly neutralising the park's mob of malfunctioning cyborgs, the Simpson family are given two free tickets for a return trip to the park.
    Roger Meyers Jr:*forcefully* Here are two free tickets.
  • The Dog Bites Back: The park employee with the Itchy suit that Bart stink-bombed earlier in the episode is the one that kicks the family off the evacuation helicopter, leaving them to die.
  • Driven to Suicide: The waiters at 'T.G.I. McScratchy's', a dance club that celebrates 'New Year' almost every hour. Becomes a Brick Joke during the scene in the security station, where one worker notices 'another jumper on the roof of T.G.I. McScratchy's'.
  • Eye Scream: A clip from Pinichio shows Scratchy getting stabbed through the eye with Itchy/Pinichio's Pinocchio Nose. ('OWCH-A!')
  • Foreshadowing: Cletus takes a picture of one of the robots, which immediately malfunctions.
    Park exec: No flash photography, please.
  • Goofy Suit: This episode is one of the few stories where the goofy suit guy gets revenge — Homer is locked up because 'I kicked a giant mouse in the butt!', and Bart torments another Itchy-suit by stomping on their foot and shooting smoke bombs into the mouth. Later, when the Itchy and Scratchy robots start rampaging through the park, the guy in the mouse costume makes sure that the Simpsons are kicked off the last escape helicopter.
  • Grey Goo: In Scratchtasia, Scratchy chops Itchy into dust, which reforms into a horde of microscopic Itchies who hack Scratchy to bits from the inside out.
  • Growing Muscles Sequence: In the opening Itchy & Scratchy sketch, Scratchy lifts weights for a few seconds which makes his muscles grow huge instantly.
  • Hostile Animatronics: And how! They try to Kill All Humans at the climax... and unfortunately for the Simpsons, they are the only humans left.
  • If My Calculations Are Correct: Spoofed when Professor Frink is informing his coworkers that the Itchy and Scratchy robots will 'eventually turn against their masters and run amok, in an orgy of blood and the kicking and the biting with the metal teeth and the hurting and shoving.' But he adds that 'According to my calculations, the robots won't go berserk for at least 24 hours.' Immediately, all the robots start attacking the humans. Frink says in a slightly embarrassed tone, 'Oh. I forgot to Carry the One.'
  • Incredibly Lame Fun: Marge's idea of an interesting vacation spot is the Highway 9 Bird Sancutary, because she wants to check out their new bird feeder.
    Marge: I understand they installed a new bird feeder this year.
    Marge: It's shaped like a diner! And it's on this really tall pole!
  • Insane Troll Logic: Homer claims getting jailed for kicking a costumed mouse in the groin makes him a political prisoner. Marge is not convinced.
  • Instantly Proven Wrong:
    • Professor Frink is informing his coworkers that the Itchy and Scratchy robots will 'eventually turn against their masters and run amok. But he adds that 'According to my calculations, the robots won't go berserk for at least 24 hours.' Immediately, all the robots start attacking the humans. Frink says in a slightly embarrassed tone, 'Oh. I forgot to Carry the One.'
    • Marge complains in the middle of the animatronic attack that it would have been safer to go to the bird sanctuary. We get an instant Gilligan Cut to the Sanctuary, where all of the birds are running amok in a manner similar to The Birds.
  • Iron Maiden: Shows up in a blink-and-miss scene when Marge looks at the map of the amusement park and there is an illustration of the Iron Maiden at the 'Torture Land' attraction.
  • It's All About Me: Marge shows several shades of this given that she complains throughout the entire episode about how she's embarrassed by Homer and Bart and thinks only of herself. That said, these two do give her cause for embarrassment.
  • It's the Best Whatever, Ever!: How the Simpsons perceive their vacation.
  • Jerkass: Bart (and apparently) Homer act this way towards the suit guys in the park.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: At the end Bart remarks that the violence they were exposed to would be funny to somebody who was watching them.
  • Let Us Never Speak of This Again:
    • Said by Homer when his shortcut to Itchy & Scratchy Land put them far off the beaten path.
    • Towards the end of the episode, Bart and Lisa think their trip to Itchy & Scratchy Land was the best vacation ever. Marge disagrees:
    Marge: Are you two bonkers? We almost got killed! Not to mention all the embarrassment I suffered.
    Lisa: But mom, it's exactly what you wanted in a vacation: it brought us closer as a family, we got a lot of good exercise outdoors, and we have so many memories!
    Marge: ...You know, you're right. This truly was the best vacation ever. Now let us never speak of it again.
  • Liar's Paradox: In a deleted scene, Lisa tries to trigger a Logic Bomb on the robots by calling this paradox out to them. The robots don't have the capacity to compute this, and thus ignore it. Homer is the one who gets the Logic Bomb.
  • Lifesaving Misfortune: For Marge, the visit to Itchy and Scratchy Land was one of the most embarrassing experiences of her life (and she doesn't really changes her mind when the rest of her family says otherwise, even ordering them to 'Let Us Never Speak of This Again') but they were the heroes of the day when the animatronics attacked. Had they gone to the Bird Sanctuary like Marge wanted, they would have been just another handful of casualties.
  • Like Father, Like Son: Bart is arrested for harassing the Itchy performer. Turns out Homer was arrested for doing the same thing.
  • Literal-Minded: When Marge goes to pick up Homer and Bart in jail:
    Marge: I'm so embarrassed, I wish there was a hole I could just crawl into and die.
    Guard: Okay, throw her in the hole.
    Marge: Oh, please. It was just a figure of speech.
  • Look Behind You: A man tells Marge that, at Itchy & Scratchy Land, they're also concerned about violence and always show the consequences of such actions. Marge asks when they show the consequences, giving an example where Itchy pulled out Scratchy's lungs yet was breathing fine in the next scene. The man answers 'Just like in real life' before running away when he tells her to look.
  • Mistaken for Gay: Homer's first assumption about the murderous robots is that they're hitting on him.
  • Mr. Alt Disney: Roger Meyers, the antisemitic cartoon genius, is an obvious stab at Walt Disney, who was accused of having rather xenophobic opinions about certain ethnicities, though not worse as many other people at that time.
    • Meanwhile, his son, Roger Meyers Jr. is a Corrupt Corporate Executive and obvious jab at then-Disney CEO Michael Eisner.
  • Murderous Malfunctioning Machine: The Itchy and Scratchy robots have a protocol that ensures that they only attack each other; their HUD commands them to 'KILL' their opposite number. Inevitably, they malfunction, and the 'KILL' command is demanded on human targets.
  • Narrating the Obvious:
    • Lampshaded. When the family are being attacked by the robots, Lisa points out to Homer that the camera flash scrambled the robots' circuits. Homer retorts: 'What are you, the narrator?'
    Lisa:(a robot approaches Lisa) Just keep taking pictures!
    • Also Marge when the robots start attacking.
  • Noodle Incident:
    • Homer taking a shortcut to I&S Land, which ends with their car in shambles, a missile stuck in Marge's hair, and a chicken flying out the car window.
    Homer: Alright, we're here. Now let us never speak of the shortcut again.
    • After seeing a robot's circuits, Marge comments that this is why Homer's robot never worked. This is never elaborated on.
  • No OSHA Compliance: Most of the attractions at the park.
  • Not What It Looks Like: While at the 'Tavern on the Scream' restaurant, Marge assumes Bart and Homer's food requests are them acting out in public:
    Bart: (to the waiter) I'll have a Brain Burger with extra pus, please.
    Homer: (to the waiter) Eyeball Stew.
    Marge: Homer! We just got here and already I'm mortified beyond belief by your embarrassing behavior!
    Bart: I was just ordering a cheeseburger, Mom. (shows Marge the menu) They have violent names for everything here.
    • Gone Horribly Wrong: And immediately following this explanation:
      Marge: Oh, I see. (reads the menu) All right, hmm... (to the waiter) I'll have the Baby Guts.
      Waiter: (scoffs; offended) Lady, you disgust me. (walks away) Ugh.
      Marge: Oh...
  • Now Buy the Merchandise: After the blatant Product Placement episode of 'Itchy & Scratchy':
    Krusty: Kids, you heard the cartoon rat. If you haven't already run to your parents begging to go, do it now. You won't be missing anything funny: I'll just be sitting here reading this grownup's newspaper. (laughs; reads a racing form, then looks back towards the camera)Now!
  • Old Shame: In-Universe, Roger Meyers' controversial 1938 cartoon 'Nazi Supermen are Our Superiors' is a jab at Walt Disney's suspected racist and antisemitic opinions, which, in reality, were not that much worse than most of the people who lived back then. Also, the Walt Disney Company only made anti-Nazi propaganda cartoons during World War II. Other gags reveal more about Roger Meyers' racist opinions: the park's German security guards resemble The Gestapo a lot and that one of the characters in the Itchy & Scratchy franchise is even revealed to be named Ku Klux Klam.
  • One Steve Limit: Averted. There were two people named Bort on screen, and there were enough Borts at the park for their license plates to sell out.
  • Parody: Itchy & Scratchy Land is an extensive parody of the Disney Theme Parks, particularly Walt Disney World (Orlando, Florida). When the robots run amok, the episode also spoofs Michael Crichton's film, Westworld. Even Marge's bird sanctuary isn't as calm as she thought it might be — The Birds are wreaking havoc there in a cutaway! Also, Euro Itchy & Scratchy Land was such a failure the employee working at the ticket booth feared for his wage.
  • Pre-Asskicking One-Liner: Bart says in Schwarzenegger-esque voice 'Hey mouse... Say cheese.' followed quickly by 'With a dry, cool wit like that, I could be an action hero.' It's played with even further when moments later, Homer emerges from a pile of defeated robots, saying 'Die, bad robots, die!... With a dry, cool wit like that, I could be an action hero.'
  • Rapid Aging: Scratchy, when millions of Nano-Itchies destroy him from the inside.
  • Robot War: The Simpsons have to fight murderous robots at the climax.
  • Robo Vision: 'Identify... Scratchy — KILL!'
  • The Runt at the End: The cute little baby ax has trouble keeping up with the marching pace.
  • Screw the Rules, It's the Apocalypse!: Bart uses the fact that it's a life-or-death situation at the climax to smash the windows of a couple of souvenir shops: one to get the cameras the family needs to fight the robots off, and a totally unnecessary one that sells snow globes that he presumably steals.
  • See You in Hell: Variation: 'When you get to Hell, tell 'em Itchy sent ya!'
  • Shark Fin of Doom: When the family took a vacation at Sandy Beach, Homer terrorized other tourists by pretending to be an approaching shark. Bart was doing the same thing, and he accidentally terrorized Homer, who saw him with his fake fin and screamed 'Aaaah! Shark boy!'
  • Shear Menace: In the opening sketch, Itchy stabs Scratchy in the head with a pair of scissors.
  • Shoe Slap: Marge points out that violence isn't so funny what it happens to you. Bart says that it is funny watching it happen to someone else, which Lisa demonstrates by tossing her shoe at Bart. Marge does find it funny, before sending Lisa to her room.
  • Shoo Out the New Guy: Long before Poochie came along, there was a previous attempt to add new characters to the I&S universe with 'the short-lived Itchy & Scratchy & Friends Hour', as Bart explains it. Among the now-forgotten characters whose merchandise still hasn't been sold off: Disgruntled Goat (whom Bart actually liked), Uncle Ant, and Ku Klux Klam.
    • Later retconned in 'The Day The Violence Died', when it's revealed that Disgruntled Goat was created by Roger Meyers Sr. long before the 'Hour' was aired.
  • Short Cuts Make Long Delays: Homer's idea to take a shortcut route to Itchy & Scratchy Land only leads to disaster. See Noodle Incident.
  • Shout-Out:
    • Bart and Homer chasing off beach tourists with a fake shark dorsal is a reference to Jaws.
    • The helicopter bringing The Simpsons to Itchy & Scratchy Land is very similar to Jurassic Park
    • The robots attacking reference both Westworld and The Terminator.
    • Two Itchy & Scratchy cartoons spoof Disney's Pinocchio and Fantasia (specifically, 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' segment).
    • The bird sanctuary references Hitchcock's The Birds.
  • Smashing Hallway Traps of Doom: The death traps during the log ride.
  • Souvenir Land: Itchy and Scratchy Land is a straight Disneyland/Walt Disney World parody, and surprisingly thorough in spoofing real stuff at the parks in The '90s, like Disney Dollars, the Pleasure Island adult nightclub complex at the Florida resort, and even the Walt Disney Story attraction. The episode also briefly showed 'Euro Itchy & Scratchy Land' in a cutaway gag; it's completely abandoned, save for a French ticket master calling out for customers because his last paycheck bounced and his 'children need wine' — a reference to the (then-topical) disastrous early years of what is now called Disneyland Paris.
  • Standard Female Grab Area: Averted. When Marge is grabbed by the arm by two guards twice her size, she breaks free within fifteen seconds.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye: Bart and Lisa are already gone for another log ride while Marge thinks they are still right next to her.
  • Sure, Let's Go with That: John Travolta allows the people who mistake him for someone who merely looks like him to think they're right.
  • Take That!:
    • To Euro Disney. Euro Itchy and Scratchy Land was a Ghost Town so the employee at the ticket booth was afraid of losing his job.
    • When Marge orders the 'Baby Guts', the waiter promptly declares she disgusts him and walks off. Lisa quietly explains that she'd just ordered veal.
  • Tempting Fate: Marge is purchasing T-shirts that say 'Best Vacation Ever' when park security announces that Bart and Homer have been arrested.
    • In one of their previous vacations to Amish country, Homer gleefully makes a nuisance of himself to the Amish community, proclaiming 'I can be a jerk and no one can stop me!'... at which point a mule kicks him in the ass. Hard.
  • Theme Naming: Itchy & Scratchy Land does this for both its rides and the restaurant entrees ('Brain Burger with extra pus', 'Eyeball Stew').
  • Wasn't That Fun?: After a rather deadly roller-coaster that ends in the family jumping out of the way of a buzz saw onto mattresses, Bart and Lisa title-drop the trope. They do it again at the end of the episode, calling the trip 'the best vacations of our lives', but Marge insists that it wasn't fun for her and orders the kids to Let Us Never Speak of This Again.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: The Itchy and Scratchy robots were easily subdued by flashingcameras.
  • What Could Possibly Go Wrong?: The family is taking a helicopter into the park when the pilot comes over the PA: 'Welcome to Itchy & Scratchy Land, where nothing can possibligh go wrong... Possibly go wrong. That's... the first thing that's ever gone wrong.'
  • Where the Hell Is Springfield?: During their road trip to Itchy & Scratchy Land, the Simpsons see a sign reading 'Highway to Some Other State'.
  • Who Even Needs a Brain?: While promoting the opening of Itchy & Scratchy Land, Itchy stabs Scratchy in the head with a pair of scissors. When Scratchy pulls it out, he also pulls out his brain, turning him into a Type I.
  • Whole Plot Reference: The entire part of the plot about the robots copies Michael Crichton's film Westworld (even emulating the looks of the film park's maintenance section for the scenes that take place there, like Marge going to fetch the Simpson males from security and Frink talking about his (horribly miscalculated) prediction).
  • Your Costume Needs Work: Homer and Marge visit Itchy's '70s Disco ('Est. 1980') on Parents Island:
    Homer: It isThe '70s! Down to the smallest detail!
    Marge: Look! The bartender even looks like John Travolta!

Itchy And Scratchy Eyes
